
Showing posts from July, 2020

Machine Learning Model to Quicken COVID-19 Vaccine Release

It has been months since the coronavirus pandemic has made lives difficult for people around the world. A vaccine for this deadly disease is the only hope for restoring normalcy and is awaited by one and all. In recent developments, MIT has developed a machine learning model to speed up the release of the coronavirus vaccine. In this weekly guide, we will discuss the same. MIT develops machine learning model to quicken the release of COVID-19 vaccine A new machine learning model has been developed by the researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. This combinatorial ML system would be able to decrease the research time required for developing the vaccine and will make it more effective.  The platform is called OptiVax and focuses on developing peptide vaccines. It is a different approach from the commonly followed whole virus, DNA, and RNA vaccines. The peptide vaccines are a recent development where the vaccine is developed around a specific short...

6 Common Applications of Machine Learning That Are Hiding in Plain Sight

Top Machine Learning Applications in 2020 Dynamic Pricing Transportation and Commuting Fraud Detection Virtual Personal Assistant Social Media Instant Translation Machine Learning, a sub-branch of  Artificial Intelligence , has established itself as the new go-to technology for businesses worldwide. Whether it is  e-commerce  or  healthcare , almost all the  industries  are using Machine Learning extensively to make futuristic solutions and products.  Machine Learning  depends heavily on programs and algorithms that help machines self-learn without having to be instructed explicitly. Machine Learning is pretty much dictating our daily lives- how, you wonder? Let’s look at the top applications of Machine Learning to understand how it is shaping the digital economy. 1. Dynamic Pricing As crucial as it is, pricing strategy is one of the oldest puzzles of the modern economy. Whether it is the entertainment industry or the consumables industry, effici...

How Spotify Uses Machine Learning Models to Recommend You The Music You Like

In the early 2000s, Songza implemented a manual music recommendation system for its listeners, where a team of music experts and curators would create playlists. But these recommendations were not objective, as they were dependent on the personal taste of the curators. It was an average experience for listeners, with a fair share of hits and misses, because it was impossible to make a playlist which catered to the varied tastes of a diverse set of people. The technology and the data did not exist back then to build a playlist that would be personalised to the taste of each individual listener. Along came Spotify a few years later, offering a highly personalised weekly playlist called Discover Weekly that quickly became one of their flagship offerings. Every Monday, millions of listeners receive a fresh playlist of new song recommendations, customised to their personal tastes based on their listening history and the songs they’ve engaged with. Spotify uses a combination of different dat...

Top Artificial Intelligence Stocks to invest in this Pandemic

While the COVID-19 has managed to downturn our economy, this outbreak might actually speed long-term technological trends — especially in the teleworking, e-commerce, and automation industries. Considering Artificial Intelligence to be in the centre of these sectors, there are deep-rooted opportunities in AI stocks. In unpredictable times like these, it is essential to consider companies that contain an upward linear graph of profitability, safe business models and solid balance sheets. Below are three AI-oriented companies that fit the bill. Lam Research Considering that the emergence of AI will demand large amounts of storage and processing capabilities, it will also require faster, smaller and powerful chips that not only occupy lesser space in servers but also keep up with the vast amount of work. Lam Research manufactures machines that allow chipmakers to produce the same. Specifically, Lam produces etch and deposition machines that are used across foundries and memory-makers. Lam...

Top 9 Artificial Intelligence Startups in India 2020 these Startups leading the tech wagon

Artificial Intelligence  (AI) and  Machine Learning  (ML) are technologies that have seen a tremendous uplift both in terms of investment and innovation in the past three years. They are now being implemented across diverse verticals such as manufacturing, healthcare, fashion, agriculture, real estate, voice-based solutions, etc. In India, AI startups started emerging in the year 2016. Over the next two years, the growth in the AI startups space has been staggering. A recent report estimated that around $87.85M was alone raised in the AI space in India’s startup capital, Bengaluru. Owing to the spectacular growth in the AI sector, India has emerged as a nation with a robust ecosystem that enables AI startup professionals and founders to kick-start their ventures. Top 9 Artificial Intelligence (AI) startup Companies in India Manthan SigTuple Mad Street Den Haptik Flutura Uncanny Vision Manthan Employee Strength: 501–1000 | Glassdoor Rating: 3.6 Mant...