How to survive a cyberattack: A cyberattack survival guide
Just imagine, it’s a usual workday. You get ready for work and open your laptop. Suddenly, you see a bizarre activity on your system. The passwords have changed, files deleted, etc., and a message flashes across your screen, “You’ve been hacked!”.
Welcome to the world of cyberattacks, and you’re a victim now. For sure, even the thought of it can bring chills down your spine.

A study conducted by the University of Maryland found out that a cyberattack is carried out every 39 seconds.
Cyberattacks have become pretty common these days due to the rise in technology and its related services. Also, do not even console yourself by thinking that only the Fortune 100 or 500 are bound to face an attack. If a $45 billion IT giant like Accenture is vulnerable to cyber attacks, then so is everyone. Even small and mid-sized businesses are prone to cyberattacks more often than large organizations.
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What is a cyber attack?
If an unknown entity or organization attempts to disable your electronic device or steal your data stored in the device by unethical means not authorized by you, then it is called a cyber attack. The person responsible for carrying out this unethical process is called a hacker.

How to survive a cyber attack?
Despite various defense mechanisms in place, the frequency of cyberattacks hasn’t reduced, forcing individuals and organizations to set up remedial measures. In this article, we will be discussing the various survival mechanisms that an organization or an individual can adhere to post a cyberattack, ensuring no further damage is caused.
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