Is a mid-career MBA the right choice for me?
While many suggest pursuing an MBA degree in the early 20s, as one has lesser responsibilities and is yet to enter the work environment, some beg to differ. As per the Graduate Management Admission Council reports, the proportion of candidates for the two-year full-time MBA program having work experience of more than six years rose from 24% to 51%. The bi-fold increase in the percentage indicates the preference for an MBA degree while individuals in the mid-stage of their professional career.
MBA isn’t for everybody but can add tremendous value for those willing to pursue it. While the statistics have their say, the real question that arises is, ‘Is a mid-career MBA worth it?’. Here are a few checkpoints that will help you decide and conclude.
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What is your motive for pursuing a mid-career MBA?
Being crystal clear about your motive will save you a lot of time and headache as an MBA degree requires proper commitment and is time-consuming. Why do you want to do this MBA at this point? Is your aim to expand your portfolio, build your professional network, or help you progress in your career? A clear idea about these questions will give you a proper understanding if you have to go ahead with a mid-career MBA.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years post the mid-career MBA?
If career progression is why you want to do an MBA, ask yourself where you see yourself 5 to 6 years from now. Unless and until you have a clear career path that you want to follow, never jump to conclusions.
If you have already decided as to where you want to be 5 years down the line, and that an MBA is required to accelerate your career, ‘Do It’. An MBA would provide you with a proper understanding of bridging the gap between the skills you possess and the skills which are required, and helps to align your skills towards the managerial styles expected by specific organizations.
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