Top 10 Reasons to choose Data science for a great career
When it comes to choosing data science as a career option, there is this sense of concern whether it will be beneficial in the long run. Data science is an unconventional career option that has generated a lot of curiosity of late. There was a time when most people would take the conventional IT course and end up working in a technology firm. But this has changed with time. Though there is still a demand for IT professionals, students are also opting for data science as a career option. Without further ado, here are the top 10 reasons why choosing a career in data science will be beneficial in the long run.
1. Demand for Data Science Professionals
It is no big secret that there is an enormous demand for data science professionals, and it is increasing with time. Almost every organization is looking for quality data science experts to collect data and analyze them. Data science is all about gathering information and using that to understand the customer requirement and develop a product that is flawless and meets the requirement perfectly. Every organization would look to give a complete product, reducing the downtime and increasing productivity. There is a good requirement for data science professionals in the workforce.
2. Surplus Job opportunities and perfect work-life balance
There are surplus job opportunities for data science professionals. It is a known fact that India is the second-biggest recruiter of data scientists in the world. There are several vacancies for the role of data scientists, engineers, and data analysts. Bengaluru is the city with the maximum number of job vacancies for data science professionals. Currently, there are around 1550+ job vacancies. The city is not just simply called the Startup Capital of India.
When you talk about work-life balance, job roles in data science provide flexible working hours and offered the liberty to work from home. Though with the current COVID-19 situation, it has become mandatory to work from home. This, in any way, hasn’t affected the work-life balance of a data science professional.
3. Remuneration aspects
When it comes to the pay scale, on an average, a data scientist gets paid around INR 6–8 lakhs per annum for a fresher. Similarly, for a data engineer, it is somewhere around INR 5–6.5 lakhs per annum. If you’ve got the experience and the skill, on an average, you would get paid around INR 12.56 lakhs per annum as a data scientist. When you look at the pay scale, you’ll understand the difference between choosing a conventional job where you can’t expect to get paid more than INR 3 lakhs per annum as a fresher, and a data science job.
4. Data Science Analytics: Need of the hour for most organizations
Industry giants like Facebook, Amazon, and Netflix always require data science professionals. The revolution of data science with the implementation of artificial intelligence, the IoT, machine learning, and digitalization has enhanced the user experience to a new level. The recommendation engines get enhanced now because of data science. The data gets analyzed, and the information about the user’s preferences gets sent to the engine which displays the desired results.
From top MNCs to small micro-level start-ups, almost every sector has implemented this. The need for data science professionals has thus become quite significant. With cloud computing, it has become easy for data science professionals to operate from anywhere they want, creating a virtual agile environment.
5. Data Analytics: A significant tool in decision making
Data analytics is crucial for any organization. Without knowing the user preferences, it is difficult to decide. Data analytics plays a major role to understand a user’s preferences. Though only basic data is being analyzed and extracted into desired results, data analytics still has its significance. It has a major role to play in decision-making.
6. Different Job Roles and responsibilities
As a data science professional, you have the liberty to choose a particular stream and get a job that meets your preference. There are many job roles that you can apply for. You can work as a data scientist, data analyst, or a data engineer. Apart from this, you can also try your hand as a data scientist architect, analytics associate, business assistant, analytics consultant, and metrics and analyst consultant. Data science is deep, like an ocean. With advancements in technology, the learning curve is better. You can also get to choose from different aspects of analytics. You can always choose a career as a perspective analyst, predictive analyst, or a descriptive analyst.
7. Data Science: Market Analysis
According to a survey conducted by Nimbus Ninety, data science will be one of the most disruptive technologies in the next three years. With the implementation of augmented reality and AI advancements, the idea of capturing data and analyzing will become more accurate and easy. In the next 3–5 years, a rise of around 14.6% CAGR is possible. When we talk about data science technology and apps, a whopping 28.6% rise in the Indian economy is likely over the next five years.
8. Less Competition for data science jobs
Despite the hype and several aspirants for data science jobs, there are still vast numbers of positions to fill. If you have the skill, you have a definite chance of getting placed in a top MNC with little of a competition. MNCs are on the lookout for individuals with immense knowledge on all the techniques and concepts. Almost every organization has adopted data science, and it is the best time for individuals to adapt to the trend and equip themselves with the necessary skills.
9. Data Science in Education
With the increase in demand, almost every technology-focused educational institute has started teaching data science. This also can be a career option. If you have the skill and if you have what it takes to deliver content, then you can try your hand in teaching data science.
10. Building a Network
As a data science professional, you get to work with top business owners and executives. This allows you to connect with them on a personal level. Building a network is a significant part of growing. If you have the right people around you, at some point in time, they might be the key to help you reach a higher level, be it in a job or a business. Connect with as many people as you can. Having the right kind of audience is the key to growing a successful business.
Final Thoughts
There is a huge potential for a data science professional and it only gets better with time. Though it is not a conventional career option, it has slowly amassed a great amount of attention. Almost every industry is looking to take in quality data science professionals who can help their organization reach new horizons. All you need to do is gain the necessary skills and approach companies that offer similar jobs. With the advancement in technology, it has become easy to gather information and analyze it to understand the user’s preferences.
If you are looking to learn data science, Great Learning has several data science online training programs. Amid the COVID crisis, there are also several free data science courses that you can apply for. Great Learning is offering data science courses that can help you launch your career. You can opt for data science for beginners course or any other advanced course, which are great learning resources. To know more details, get in touch with us today.
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